6 mar. 2010

Party days that came in a long time

Thursday and friday night i went out and it was good :D . I meet some people that i haven't saw in a long time. We went in almost all the nice places that you can find in Constanta.
We went in "Vama" and have some tea, We dance a little in "Pulse" and rock our heads in "Nord". Yeah, i really missed the feeling to be with them and just go from bar to bar and laugh and feeling good.
I don't have the pictures from Sandra(we took pics with her camera) so i will post only three to introduce you in the feeling and sunday i will post more pics.

Ma girls , a cup of tea and some beer.

Meet two of my good friends Elena(Aujourd'hui Sophie) and Adina (it's all blurry couse it looks euforic :-> )

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